Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lasers, not floodlights - sharpening your attack

Three current marketing trends point to more specialization in marketing, and a reduced reliance on mass marketing. From a column by Gerald Bagg, CEO of ad agency Quigley-Simpson:

3. The splintering of social networks: Watch for dominant MySpace and Face­book social networking sites to lose ground to more specialized, specific offerings like LinkedIn, Badoo and
4. Fragmenting of streaming video: Streaming video will likely follow the pre­dicted path of the social networks. While YouTube is the largest of these video sites currently, we're seeing tailored secular video sites pop up almost daily.
5. Narrowcasting vs. broadcasting: Tar­geting audiences through media mix mod­els, and combining technology with that, allowing marketers to conduct more so­phisticated analysis of what media gener­ates the most results from a particular audi­ence, will become more widely used.

Generic appeals in my inbox bug me to no end. But I have a high tolerance for messages from people I like, companies I use, and lists I sign up for.

Thanks to for this lead from DMNews.